Project 4871: D. T. Ksepka, D. J. Field, T. A. Heath, W. Pett, D. B. Thomas, S. Giovanardi, A. J. Tennyson. 2023. Largest-known fossil penguin provides insight into the early evolution of sphenisciform body size and flipper anatomy. Journal of Paleontology. 97 (2):434-453.
This project has 70 taxa.
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Showing 16 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'P'.

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Pachydyptes ponderosus 
Palaeeudyptes gunnari 
Palaeeudyptes klekowskii 
Palaeospheniscus bergi 
Palaeospheniscus biloculata 
Palaeospheniscus patagonicus 
Paraptenodytes antarcticus 
Perudyptes devriesi 
Petradyptes stonehousei 
Phoebastria albatrus 
Platydyptes marplesi 
Platydyptes novaezealandiae 
Pygoscelis adeliae 
Pygoscelis antarcticus 
Pygoscelis papua 
Pygoscelis tyreii