Project 3385: X. Ni, Q. Ji, W. Wu, Q. Shao, Y. Ji, C. Zhang, L. Liang, J. Ge, Z. Guo, J. Li, Q. Li, R. Grün, C. Stringer. 2021. Massive cranium from Harbin in northeastern China establishes a new Middle Pleistocene human lineage. The Innovation. 2 (3):100130.
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Showing all 178 taxonomic names

Genus, Species, Subspecies, Scientific name author, Scientific name year

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Amud *
Antecessor atd6-15-atd6-69-atd6-96 *
Antecessor ate9-1 *
Antecessor dental *
Bodo *
Broken hill *
Ceprano *
Cesaire *
Cro magnon I II III *
Dali *
Dmanisi *
Eliye springs *
Erectus daka calvaria *
Erectus dmanisi 211-2282 *
Erectus dmanisi 2280 *
Erectus dmanisi 2700-2735 *
Erectus dmanisi 4500-2600 *
Erectus er 3733 *
Erectus er 3883 *
Erectus hexian *
Erectus nanjing1 *
Erectus ngandong 12 *
Erectus ngandong 7 
Erectus ngandong 9 *
Erectus oh 9 *
Erectus peking dental *
Erectus peking lii *
Erectus peking rc-1996 *
Erectus peking x *
Erectus peking xii *
Erectus peking xiii *
Erectus sale *
Erectus sambungmacan 1 *
Erectus sambungmacan 3 
Erectus sangiran 2 
Erectus sangiran dental *
Erectus sangiran17 *
Erectus turkana *
Florisbad *
Gibraltar 1 *
Habilis er1805 *
Habilis oh24 *
Habilis oh7 *
Habilis oh7 OH24 ER1805 *
Harbin *
Heidelbergensis arago ii *
Heidelbergensis arago xiii *
Heidelbergensis arago xxi-xlvii *
Heidelbergensis bodo *
Heidelbergensis broken hill *
Heidelbergensis ceprano *
Heidelbergensis mauer 1 *
Heidelbergensis petralona 1 *
Heidelbergensis steinheim s11 *
Hexian *
Homo neanderthalensis sh 15 *
Homo altaiensis 
Homo erectus 
Homo heidelbergensis 
Homo longi , 2021 
Homo neanderthalensis 
Homo neanderthalensis sh xxii 
Homo neanderthalensis sh12 
Homo neanderthalensis sh13 
Homo neanderthalensis sh17 
Homo neanderthalensis sh3 
Homo sapiens 
Homo sp. dali 
Homo sp. eliye springs 
Homo sp. hualongdong 
Homo sp. jinniushan 
Homo sp. maba 
Homo sp. narmada 
Homo sp. ndutu 
Homo sp. rabat 
Homo sp. stw53 
Homo sp. tabun c2 *
Homo sp. xiahe 
Homo sp. xuchang 
Hualongdong *
Irhoud 1*
Jinniushan *
La chapelle aux Saint *
La ferrassie*
LH 18 *
Liujiang *
Maba *
Mauer 1 *
Mladec i II V VI *
Nanjing1 *
Narmada *
Ndutu *
Neanderthal krapina 38.10 *
Neanderthal engis 2 *
Neanderthalensis amud *
Neanderthalensis cesaire *
Neanderthalensis gibraltar1 *
Neanderthalensis la chapelle aux saint *
Neanderthalensis la ferrassie 1 *
Neanderthalensis saccopastore i *
Neanderthalensis saccopastore ii *
Neanderthalensis sh4 
Neanderthalensis sh5 
Neanderthalensis shanidar 1 *
Neanderthalensis shanidar 2 *
Neanderthalensis shanidar 5 *
Neanderthalensis spy i *
Neanderthalensis spy ii *
Neanderthalensis tabun c1 *
Neanderthalensis type *
Neanderthal krapina 1 *
Neanderthal krapina 3 *
Neanderthal krapina 38.1 *
Neanderthal krapina 38.7 *
Neanderthal krapina 39.3 *
Neanderthal krapina 39.4 *
Neanderthal krapina 59 *
Neanderthal la quina 5 *
Neanderthal monte circeo *
Ngandong7 9 12 *
Oase 1*
OH 9 *
Omo ii *
Pan troglodytes 
Peking x XII XIII LII RC *
Petralona 1 *
Qafzeh ix *
Rabat *
Rhodesiensis saldanha *
Rhodesiensis ternifine 1 *
Rhodesiensis ternifine 2 *
Rhodesiensis ternifine 3 *
Rhodesiensis ternifine 4 *
Saccopastore i II *
Saldanha *
Sambungmacan 1*
Sangiran 2 17 *
Sapiens irhoud dentation and mandible *
Sapiens brno 3 *
Sapiens chancelade *
Sapiens cro-magnon i *
Sapiens cro-magnon ii *
Sapiens cro-magnon iii *
Sapiens dolni vestonice 3 *
Sapiens florisbad *
Sapiens irhoud 1 *
Sapiens irhoud 2 *
Sapiens kow swamp 5 *
Sapiens lh 18 *
Sapiens liujiang *
Sapiens mladec i *
Sapiens mladec ii *
Sapiens mladec v *
Sapiens mladec vi *
Sapiens oase *
Sapiens predmosti 3 *
Sapiens predmosti 4 *
Sapiens qafzeh 5_6_7_11_15_27 *
Sapiens qafzeh ix *
Sapiens skhul ix *
Sapiens skhul v *
Sapiens upper cave 101 *
Sapiens upper cave 103 *
SH4 5 *
Shanidar 1*
Skhul v IX *
Species omo ii *
Spy i II *
Steinheim s11 *
STW53 *
Tabun 1 *
Tabun 2 *
Ternifine 1 2 3 4 *
Turkana er3733 3883 *
Xiahe *
Xuchang *
ZKD uc 101 103 *